Thursday, 2 August 2012

My New Book

Hello everyone.  I'm Tamara.  I've just written my book, Poor Michael.  It took me more than a year to write this book, and though I can't say it was easy, it took a lot of looking in depth and having to use a lot of my imagination.  I'm very excited about this and very proud.  I'm very anxious, too, because this is the first time I've ever done this.

I've started this blog, because people say it's the thing to do when you've written a book.  So be gentle with me.  My husband writes a blog all the time, and he's helping me with this.  Usually I don’t put myself out there because I’m more comfortable reading what others write about themselves.

There’s always been that part of me that wants to seek out new life forms, Ha Ha.  No, really folks, I love to explore new things, a new way of thinking of things that bumps horns with puritanical ways of living and thinking.  I’m gonna keep exploring and investigating new ideas.  I’m looking to be able to share more of myself, and that means being very open and very blunt at times.

Well, that’s all I can think of, I’ll have more next time.


  1. I hope that you find much success with your book!


  2. Congratulations on the publication of "Poor Michael". I hope that it sells well; and that you enjoy the satisfaction that comes with completing such a project.

    Whether you write another or not, you HAVE successfully written a book.

    Well done, Girl!

    -- Jeff, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

  3. Best of luck with the book, Tamara. I am a friend of Alexis's via the net and will be following your blog with interest.

  4. Are we going to get an excerpt? :)
